April 16, 2017
After twenty years of work on this site, I can proudly say that this new version is the most definitive edition, in terms of content, presentation, and technology.
Among the biggest updates for this version is how I wrote it with the WAMP (Windows / Apache / MySQL / PHP) platform, whereby the site’s addresses drive the access to and display of database content. This site has come a long way since its earliest incarnation, which relied on pure HTML!
Another critical upgrade is its "responsive" setup, now mobile-ready. I have long been interested in exploring ways to present the oldest native ideas with the newest digital technology, so these recent exercises have given me ample room for such exercise.
What’s next, then, for the site? I am restoring the companion Edgar’s Maya Art Page, which will be using the same technology I’ve recently applied here. The next expansion for here will be timely and critical from my philosophical stance: I will be adding a new time period in the Cultures menu for Mesoamerica’s modern indigenous societies. You may expect new pages dedicated to the Yaqui, Otomí, Huichol, and other peoples whose cultural expressions continue many of the beliefs and practices from the ancient world, and so this step will be essential to the spirit of the page.
I hope you enjoy the new arrangement! Please email me at ixmati@comcast.net for any questions on the content.
Edgar Martín del Campo